"What is a legacy? It's planting seeds in a garden you never get to see."
~Lin Manuel Miranda, "Hamilton"
Planned Giving
A Legacy of Literacy
With the help of generous donors, Literacy for Life’s evidence-based educational programs help hundreds of learners each year make life-changing breakthroughs including finding better jobs, receiving their GEDs, taking control of their health, actively participating in their children’s schools, preparing for a citizenship test and becoming more involved citizens and neighbors. A legacy gift to Literacy for Life gives you the satisfaction of knowing that you are making a difference in the quality of life for families, not so different from our own.
Why Make A Planned Gift?
For many donors, making a planned gift is a perfect option to make a larger gift than is otherwise possible through income alone by donating assets that are no longer needed. Your gift not only strengthens our organization and community, it can also provide tax advantages and be an inspiration to others.
How Can I Make a Planned Gift?
Some commonly used planned giving options include bequests, gifts of life insurance, retirement assets, and gifts of cash or appreciated securities.
A Bequest
A bequest is simply a gift made in your will that names Literacy for Life as a recipient of part of your estate. It may be a specific dollar amount, a percentage of the estate or a remainder after other distributions have been made.
Inspire a brighter future!
The Legacy for Literacy Society is a group of supporters who have confirmed a planned gift to Literacy for Life of at least $5,000.
As a member, you will receive:
Invitations to Special Events
Periodic updates on the impact of your planned giving

Life Insurance
Making a gift of life insurance is easy. You will either transfer ownership of a life insurance policy to Literacy for Life or change the policy’s beneficiary designation to LFL for some or all of the policy’s proceeds. This type of gift is particularly popular with donors who have insurance policies and their families are adequately provided for through other means. This is also a great way to provide support for LFL if you are not presently able to make an outright donation.
Retirement Assets
Donating retirement assets such as an IRA or 401(K), is a tax-effective way to support LFL with the possibility of avoiding estate and income taxes.
Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD)
A QCD is a direct distribution from your IRA and qualifies as an IRA minimum distribution. A QCD may help you avoid being pushed into a higher tax bracket and may also reduce required minimum distributions in the future.
Real Estate
This simple and straightforward gift is favored by many donors. The deed or title is transferred directly to LFL. As the donor, you generally receive a tax deduction equal to the fair market value of the property and that deduction may be carried forward for five years.
Appreciated Securities
Appreciated securities are a popular planned giving option. When you donate stock to charity, you’ll generally take a tax deduction for the full fair market value and you may avoid capital gains tax on the sale of the securities.
Start Your Planned Gift
Planned Giving is vital to the future of Literacy for Life. If you have, or plan to, name Literacy for Life in your estate plan, we always appreciate being informed. Your gift not only helps us plan for the years ahead, but gives us the opportunity to express our sincere appreciation.
For further information, please contact Jason Thornton at 757-221-3326 or jthornton@wm.edu.
This information is not intended as legal advice. Please consult your estate attorney,
financial advisor or insurance agent about how best to design your planned gift.